Life can be so unfair sometimes. We have worked hard our whole lives and we should be able to eat what we want and when we want to and there should not be a limit to the amount we eat. Right? Life can be so unfair sometimes.Well, I am assuming if you are as fed up with weight gain as I am you have figured out that this is not the case for most of us in our fifties.That is why I created my blog, Fabulous Fifties Dining. I had to find healthier alternatives to replace my luxury foods. I will still eat from my luxury foods list but I will do it sparely as and not as a way of life. If it is broke it is time to fix it.
French Fries that are not baked
Potato Chips that are not baked
Crackers that are not baked
White Breads
Ice Cream
Red Meat
Hot dogs
Processed foods that are loaded with high fructose corn syrup, hydrogenated oils, salt, and sugar. We could write a book just from this alone.
Okay, I will stop for now this list could probably continue ad infinitum.
I will help you out. Here are some healthy alternates to replace some of the items on your luxury list.
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