Friday, November 21, 2014

Quinoa on the Side

Quinoa is a great substitute for rice.
It is a complete protein with all eight essential
amino acids...and it taste good....

Premium Quinoa with Toasted Almonds and Cranberries
This recipe has been adapted from,


1 cup quinoa
1/2 cup blanched almonds
11/2 cup boiling water
1/3 teaspoon olive oil
1 cinnamon stick
1 bay leaf
1/2 cup dried cranberries


Over medium heat, stir and toast the almonds until golden
Add the quinoa and toast a few more minutes until quinoa darken
Tranfer to a 2-quart saucepan filled with the water
Add the olive oil, cinnamon stick, bay leaf, and cranberries
Bring to a  boil, covered
Reduce heat to simmer for 15 to 20 minutes
Remove from heat
Allow to sit for 5 minutes
Fluff gently with a fork and serve as your side dish

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